Clubs made easy.


Simplify your organization's clubs

Clubsaurus makes managing clubs in your organization unbelievably easy.


A shared calendar to inform you of all clubs events at a glance!


Roles allow you to delegate tasks and promote student leadership!


Events create a space to inform people of what is going on with a club.


Have something to say? This is the place! Let everyone know the news.

User First

We are dedicated to adding features our users want and need!

Open Source

View the code that runs Clubsaurus any-time you would like!

Protect student experience in clubs.

Find what's important.

Not a club

Football club

Wow, so empty

Wow, so empty

Don't mind me

No club here

Not a club

Still not a club

Wow, so empty

Don't mind me

Is this a club

Is this a club

Don't mind me

Not a club

Wow, so empty

This is nothing

Still not a club

No club here

Still not a club

Is this a club

Wow, so empty

This is nothing

This is nothing

Not a club

Wow, so empty

Wow, so empty

Don't mind me

Wow, so empty

Don't mind me

Coding club

Still not a club

Wow, so empty

Wow, so empty

Still not a club

Still not a club

Don't mind me

Is this a club

Still not a club

This is nothing

Is this a club

Wow, so empty

Still not a club

This is nothing

Not a club

This is nothing

No club here

This is nothing

No club here

Is this a club

Is this a club

Wow, so empty

This is nothing

Don't mind me

No club here

Is this a club

Still not a club

No club here

This is nothing

This is nothing

Not a club

Still not a club

No club here

No club here

Wow, so empty

Rocket club

No club here

No club here

This is nothing

No club here

Wow, so empty

Wow, so empty

No club here

No club here

Is this a club

Still not a club

Not a club

Not a club

This is nothing

This is nothing

Not a club

Is this a club

Art club

Still not a club

Is this a club

Wow, so empty

Not a club

Still not a club

Math club

Is this a club

This is nothing

Is this a club

Not a club

Don't mind me

No club here

No club here

Not a club

Not a club

Is this a club

This is nothing

Don't mind me

Ready to streamline clubs?


Clubsaurus is in early access! Report Bugs.